About Blogger:

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Hong Kong
Inquisitive person who always is curious, Passionate Writer, Enthusiastic blogger, Crazy Travel enthusiast who loves to experience different cultures, creative at heart and practical in general, Speaker at few radio shows, Above all a Die Hard passionate passive income generator who believes in spreading financial Literacy and teaching people importance of Saving and Investing.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

I have a story to share...of "her"

I have a story to share
of water which became river,
because of presence of "her"
at the right time over there....

Like the ignorant not knowing who it is,
the water was flowing ahead
at times feeling happy and
otherwise sad,
without knowing what is good
and what is it, that is bad,

And then she came, like an eyesight
to the blind,
having faces so glorious, eyes so
deep and heart so kind.

She then made the water
realize its sweetness
its rich properties and swiftness.
She spoke of dreams and objectives and aims,
of becoming leaders by taking others blames,
she spoke of life, goodness and its beauty,
and showed that with every 'right', there is a 'duty',

Like a guide and philosopher,
she insisted  on hard work and its galore,
she is the first person through whom water saw the world
and then slowly into river it got curled.

Flowing with force to meet the sea,
knowing who it is, what to do and where to be..

I have shared the story of a girl
who came to know she is 'Riddhi - the indomitable spirit'
because of her beloved Mum :)

- Dedicated to my strength through thick and thin, My Mom!

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